but what you want me to be. And i am the best you never had.
I can do anything, because nothing is impossible. I read the word, 'impossible' and comprehend, 'i'm possible'. I will no longer blind myself to what can be accomplished. Life is unmeasurable, so i am daring myself to take on this journey and enjoy it forever.
Life is the gift. Each day life becomes more precious than the day before, only because i am one day closer to my presence being absent. Life has one promise, death. Yet death is not the devastation; not living life,
is. I have learned this through experience and through observation. I believe i was given this life for a reason, and everything i have overcome was a blessing in disguise. Those blessings were to prove that i
can do anything. God gave me this life, and i will leave my mark in this world. I am full of life, and life is full of many possibilities; I am possible.