Every morning I awake from my sleep, and arise out of my bed just anxious to unravel my future, because I'm addicted to this precious thing called life. Life is unwritten, and I love knowing I am the author to my OWN story.
Life is unsxplainable, honsetly. I've taken advantage of every opportunity that has came my way and somehow, it comes back as something positive. Life is great; I could not ask for anything better ... God is good to me!
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It's been a COO minute since I've visted my blog. A goal on my calendar is to blog more, keep it updated :) . But anyways, here are some things to note:
- SR. yr is the best, yet =D
- I LOVE being a schoolgirl, bookworm, nerd, etc...
- The busy life is for me
- making new friends brightens my life, broadens my horizon
- LC and Brit are thee best - flyChicks♥
- made Homceoming Court ... awaiting the results on oct.10 at the Homecoming game
- still SINGLE and strong; holdin' it down for MYSELF.
This is the way life should be. Friends, fortune and fun. I go to school to get an education; that is my serious time. My weekend memories are my motivation to continue living this life, because this is what I've strived for for SO long. I continue to break the stereotype I am always put in to, and that's how I like it ;) .
P.S. - Family and friends are the best support team... EVER!
P.S. #2 - Life is the shot we have to make things happen... Let's get it.